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This theory ensures that the world will end in September

A new apocalyptic theory has emerged and suggests that you should say goodbye and put everything in order this month because in the world will end in September thanks to a mysterious planet called Nibiru.Ennterate what it is about. The world will end in September, according to this theory The culprit of the alleged end of the world will be a mythical planet, creatively called Planet X or Nibiru, which, as they have been predicting for years , will collide with Earth and cause the end of days. They also say it has something to do with the total US solar eclipse that will occur on August 21 and that he would throw some areas of the planet into darkness.In addition, those who defend this theory also rely on some passages of the Bible. This theory is known as the Nibiru apocalyptic movement and one of his most ardent defenders are convinced that it will happen very soon. David Meade , who is an "amateur astronomer and Christian numerologist" has been studying

The mystery of the Atlanta bleeding house

The bleeding houses are a phenomenon that has been repeated throughout history and for which in many cases no plausible explanation has been found .Police investigations and even paranormal have tried to find out what happened in those walls without getting it.In Mysterious we talked about the house that was bleeding in Aisne, France, and this time we bring you a case that happened almost at the same time in the US: The mystery of the Atlanta Bleeding House. The mystery of the Atlanta Bleeding House The events occurred in September 1987 and even the New York Times echoed the strange event. The marriage formed by Minnie and Will Winston slept peacefully the night of l September 8, 1987 at her home at 1114 Fountain Drive in the city of Atlanta .She was 77 years old and 79.At midnight Minnie got up to go to the bathroom and enter the observation that the floor and walls were full of blood . Alarmed, I call her husband , thinking that a mishap could have happened, Well

Aleister Crowley, the "Great Beast" or the last black wizard

Aleister Crowley. They said he was the most perverse man in the world, hence he was also known by the nicknames of "The great beast 666" or the "Black Magician" .The truth is that he worshiped that fame that enveloped his figure, because that way he was able to further shock the puritan Victorian society he saw in amazement-and some fear-the reckless behavior of this man. Mystical, occultist, ceremonial magician, founder of the religious philosophy of Thelemam, member of the famous organization "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" and, above all, a great exhibitionist The name of Aleister Crowley continues to cause as much curiosity as I respect today. Aleister Crowley and his dark passions He belonged to a family of British high society.A boy who was orphaned early and in 1886 had to go live with his aunts, two women who raised him (or at least they tried) under the ferrous pillars of a very conservative evangelical group called the &quo

The 7 seals of the Apocalypse | Do you know anything about this prophecy?

The visions of the Apocalypse of St.John are terrifying.The prophecies that he gathers on what will happen in recent times overwhelm anyone and perhaps for that reason, both believers and nonbelievers, call us powerfully Attention: In Mysterious we dedicate an article to some interesting biblical prophecies, and on this occasion we want to approach one in particular: the one of the 7 seals of the Apocalypse. Do you know anything about this prophecy? Content Index The 7 seals of Revelation The book of Revelations or Revelation of St.John is the last book of the New Testament and he is the only one who has only prophetic character .Squared of symbols is considered of great complexity at the time of his interpretation.To read the Apocalypse you cannot lose sight of the fact that is about a Christian writing , which conveys the same background message as the gospels and that s and focuses on the figure of Jesus Christ. St.John is called by a voice that tells him to « go

See spirits and toxic mold | Could they be related?

Do you believe in spirits, in ghosts? If you want to believe you just have to look for an abandoned house, if possible as creepy, squeaky and old as you can.With almost total security we can tell you that you will see spirits and that, according to some researchers, see spirits is directly related to Toxic mold that can accumulate in old buildings. According to a survey conducted in 2009, 18% of adults say they saw a ghost at some point in their lives.It's not just about that they have felt or heard it, but they have seen it.So seeing spirits should not be so strange...Let's see what this phenomenon has to do with mold! Content Index The relationship between seeing spirits and toxic mold Clarkson University Civil and Environmental Engineering professor Shane Rogers has an idea of ​​what that really is behind these visions.Second Rogers, when mold is reproduced, it creates airborne spores that can then get into your respiratory system. The 2009 study indicated t

A ghost caught in the Hotel of the Shining?

The Shining is one of Stephen King's novels that has more controversy around him, both the novel and its adaptation to the cinema, made by Stanley Kubrick, have generated a great diversity of theories and curious news.One of the latest is the appearance of a ghost in a photograph taken in the mythical Hotel Stanley , a historic hotel built in 1909 in the city of Estes Park, Colorado, very close to Denver, and in which the action of King's novel takes place, do you dare to know anything more about this chilling hotel? A ghost captured at the Hotel of The Shining? Since the 70s the fame of this hotel has grown due to the paranormal events that were registered in its rooms.Voices, shouts, lights that turned on and off and regrets that could be noticed and hear especially in room 217 .The hotel receives many curious visitors and one of this s tourists, Henry Yau , took a picture in the lobby where you can see a figure that some consider to be, clearly, a ghost.Segun Hen

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

If you had the opportunity to be in the same city where one of the best known abandoned cemeteries is located, would you enter? You might think about it more than once, since fear could take over your body; however, if you made the decision to do so, it would be better if you knew 15 abandoned cemeteries in the world that, in addition, are part of the dark cemeteries where not everyone dares to enter. You can find abandoned cemeteries on all continents, but we have selected the most impressive, so you can get an idea of how disturbing they can be.Join us on this literary tour through the loneliest cemeteries on our planet.Be amazed by them! Content Index 15 Abandoned cemeteries in the world | Are you sure you want to meet them? Abandoned cemeteries in North America 1.Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago, United States This is the first abandoned cemetery we want to talk to you about, since many believe that it is haunted .There are numerous legends that indicate

The Challenger chasm, the deepest point of the ocean

Underwater trenches.The mysteries that extend in this world of oceanic silence and darkness is still a challenge for the human mind and its curiosity. The Challenger chasm, with its 10,994 meters, is the deepest point of the ocean, its distance exceeds even the height of our Everest.Can you imagine what kind of life should exist at those depths and under that pressure? Only one man has been able to reach the 10,898 meters to tell us about its darkness and its wonders thanks to a sophisticated submarine, the Deepsea Challenger.His name? James Cameron . The deepest abyss of our oceans Wikipedia Seeing the superior image we can already locate ourselves.We are in the Mariana Trench, in the western Pacific.This region has a length of 2,500 km and extends towards below to reach 10,994 meters.It may be even more, since the National Geographic often comments that the 11km descent can be exceeded.This interesting point on our planet has always been the target of multiple projects o

The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

The world of archeology always brings us spectacular finds.Parts that give us new data about our history, about our past and personal legacy within each of the civilizations that make up our world.But sometimes, instead of giving us clear information, offer us doubts and authentic challenges .Especially if they are the famous Ooparts, remember, misplaced objects or time, to whom we already dedicate an article in supercurioso. Do you want to know five examples of these really disturbing and inexplicable objects for the world of science? 1.Quimbaya artefacts They were found in Colombia , near the Otun River.These are beautiful gold and bronze figures of the Quimbaya culture dating back to 1000 AD as you can see small planes, unique machines of aerodynamic form that confuse historians greatly.There are 24 figu In the world, but many of them were stolen and taken out of the country illegally.If one day you go to the Gold Museum in Bogota, you can see some of them, but that if.

What are the advantages of buying using a comparator?

Nowadays, thanks to the internet, there is the possibility of buying any product in stores of all kinds and department stores through the network.Using a mobile from home you can access and buy all kinds of products.From technology, gadgets, electronic products, food, clothing, whatever is needed.Hence it is necessary to make use of a tool as necessary as a price comparator . Thanks to these pages that offer these services you can make a comparison of the products that may seem more interesting and not only compare prices, but distinguish and display in a quick and simple way, rates, shipping method, characteristics of products, etc. What are the advantages of buying using comparatives? There are many ben Efficiencies of acquiring products of all kinds if you know how to use a comparator.These positive points are the following: It is easy to compare prices thanks to a visualization in the form of tables that allows you to see everything quickly and comfortably the charac

Do you know what the Tsukumogami are? One of ghosts!

The Japanese culture is full of curiosities and the story that we are going to tell you next, really, is not far behind...Some spooky objects that come to life when they turn 100! And what do their owners do? According to a Japanese legend when everyday objects, whatever they are, sandals, umbrellas, jars...turn 100 years old , come alive. Yes, You have read well, they come alive! It seems that a soul seizes them , a way to reward objects that have survived 100 years. The Tsukumogami, like the Yokai (supernatural creatures of the Japanese culture) in general are not usually dangerous, although it depends on the use that their owner gave them in life, what they usually are is very naughty .They are something like Elves or trolls in Western culture.If they were thrown out by old people they would try to annoy their old owners.The meaning of this myth is that you have to have respect for all objects. Among the Tsukumogami are: Bakezōri A very nice spirit; It is an

Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about your relationship

It is no secret, that throughout the history the cats and magic have been related .Perhaps, the beginning of this relationship is a mystery that is not entirely clear.Most folklore presented to these animals as the favorite pets of the witches.At a time, when the cats were very persecuted they always had relation with them. Another reason, may be the mysterious character and the appearance of These animals, the black cat, enjoys a lot of negative popularity among the most superstitious people.In this Mysterious article we invite you to take a tour through the whole history so that you can know the most relevant curiosities about cats and magic. Discover them! Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about their relationship 1.Generically, the relationship between cats and humans is very old since it is said that they have been making us company for more than 9,000 years . 2.Saint Patrick, a saint who is venerated in many Anglo-Saxon regions and patron of Ireland, expelled all the

5 findings that tried to prove that the giants existed

At least once in our lives we have heard stories of men of colossal size who inhabited the earth.They may be true, maybe not.But these 5 findings tried to prove that the giants existed. 5 findings that tried to prove that the giants existed 1-Remains of Giants in Bulgaria The city of Varna, in Bulgaria, used to be part of Odessos about 7,000 years ago., the mythology was closely linked with the giants.And when in 2015 remains of a human skeleton were found quite peculiar for their size, the eyes of the curious were nailed in the city.However, the exact measure is not known, because you never know I inform the media about it; It is only known that it was of great size. 2-Giant footprints around the world One of the most overwhelming findings to prove that the giants existed, are the traces of what they seem human feet.In Mpaluzi, South Africa, there is the Goliath footprint, an impression of 1.2 meters long between 200 and 300 million years old.Two more were found near San Jo

2 games to invoke spirits (Part II)

In a previous edition we tell you about some games that in theory allow to establish a connection with the world of the dead and the paranormal, if you want to continue knowing more about these strange and terrifying games, you cannot Stop reading the second part of this list. WARNING: This article does not encourage you to try them, just to know them, as they exist, and to better understand what they consist of. 1.The cup This game is quite similar to that of the Ouija , they should be written and cut out the letters of the alphabet, also the numbers from 0 to 9 and the words: Yes and No.Then you must place all the letters forming a circle on a flat surface. To play at least 2 people must be present, place a glass cup in the center of all the letters and then the participants must hold hands and say: "Does any soul beyond want to communicate with us?" Then, they should place their index finger on top of the cup and repeat the previous sentence until the

Do you know the chilling legend of the Bridge of the Elves?

The Bridge of the Goblins is one of the most chilling Latin American legends.It has its origin in Puebla, Mexico, where the locals are warned from very young of the dangers they will face if they approach a mysterious place located in the middle of the mountains.Continue reading and learn more about this interesting legend. Do you know the chilling legend of the Bridge of the Elves? The legend of the Bridge of the Goblins has its origin in Puebla, Mexico.Alli, the villagers are warned since they are very small of the dangers they can face if they approach a mysterious place located in the center of the mountains, but what happens in that place? Legend has it that little elves drag people , regardless of sex or age, down to a bridge. People who are dragged under this bridge hard they can go out again .Only a farmer achieved such audacity, so thanks to him you can learn a little more about what these elves do to their victims. History tells us that This man returned fr

The creepy king of rats

In Mysterious today we want to tell you about a phenomenon at least creepy .It's something that for a long time was thought to be nothing more than a legend, but now we know that it occurs in the animal world naturally, but it does not stop horrifying us.It is " the king of rats ". The Legend of Rattenkonig, the king of the rats The legend of the rat king or rattenkonig arises in Germany and is documented for the first time in the XVI century. It was believed that it was a being formed by several rats that formed a new living being with multiple heads and on which the dominant individual, the king , was installed. He got food from his subjects and everything he asked for.The Europeans of the time considered the vision of one of these phenomena as a warning of future misfortunes. The truth behind the legends For a long time it was believed that after this legend there was nothing true and that the specimens that were exhibited were gross mani

Aberfan, the catastrophe that hundreds sounded and that nobody believed

What happened in the small Welsh town of Aberfan in the 1960s stands today as one of the saddest and most disturbing events in history.It was a morning of the 21st of October 1966 when its inhabitants saw how, suddenly, the entire town was engulfed by a large amount of coal, mud and debris.A disaster that originated in the coal mine debris, which covered all of Aberfan in a matter of minutes. However, such an incident could have been avoided.I just had to pay attention to all those people who rang the disaster days before, something that obviously nobody believed. Visions before a disaster We will start talking about a girl, a 10-year-old creature called Eryl Mai Jones. Her dreams began about 15 days before the disaster, nightmares loaded with great anguish in which, according to herself she told her mother and her teachers «something black and big pounced I was about school covering everything.” This could have gone unnoticed, but the fact is that in that same school, the

World War III, closer than you think?

The world seems to be sinking into an abyss in which we are unable to distinguish between good and evil. The struggle for world hegemony and the growing tensions between the main war powers of the planet have revived old fears about of a nuclear holocaust .Faced with this very discouraging panorama, we have witnessed both the emergence of numerous theories as well as the resurgence of ancient prophecies and certain predictions that seem to indicate that the Third World War could be close.For this reason, in Mysterious we believe it is important to keep you informed of these theories and prophecies about the Third World War, which designate an uninviting future and confirm the starting point of a bloody, destructive and atrocious war never experienced before. History has proven to be cyclical, and our inability to learning correctly from the episodes of the past has resulted in the emergence, for years, of a developing economic war.In it, large corporations and multinationals comple

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

The weather is going crazy for the action of man, you just have to look at these last months to see floods, hot weather, devastating tornadoes and other phenomena that touch the apocalyptic .Yes To this we add the escalation of violence and the crisis economic, sometimes it is scary to think about what might happen in 2016.Several investigations have been done on which would be the safest places on the planet in which to take refuge in case of apocalypse.Its security, stability, prosperity or simply their geographical situation, make them candidates to survive .In some we could take refuge in case of an apocalypse due to climate change, others are interesting in case of an invasion or attack, and even some would be a good refuge if the apocalyptic situation were due to nuclear disaster.Let's meet 9 of them! APOCALYPSE! 10 places to take refuge 1.Island One of the best places to survive is Island . Among the qualities that make it worthy of being in this ranking i