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The 7 seals of the Apocalypse | Do you know anything about this prophecy?

The visions of the Apocalypse of St.John are terrifying.The prophecies that he gathers on what will happen in recent times overwhelm anyone and perhaps for that reason, both believers and nonbelievers, call us powerfully Attention: In Mysterious we dedicate an article to some interesting biblical prophecies, and on this occasion we want to approach one in particular: the one of the 7 seals of the Apocalypse. Do you know anything about this prophecy?

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The 7 seals of Revelation

The book of Revelations or Revelation of St.John is the last book of the New Testament and he is the only one who has only prophetic character .Squared of symbols is considered of great complexity at the time of his interpretation.To read the Apocalypse you cannot lose sight of the fact that is about a Christian writing , which conveys the same background message as the gospels and that s and focuses on the figure of Jesus Christ.

The 7 seals of the Apocalypse | Do you know anything about this prophecy?

St.John is called by a voice that tells him to « go up and show him what will happen » The Apocalypse of St.John is divided into four parts; the first is an introduction plus some Letters to the Churches, the second tells us about the Lamb and the Seven Seals , the third of the Dragon and the combat and the fourth and last of the New Jerusalem.Let's see what the prophecies of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse say (Rev.6: 1-17).

The Lamb, Jesus Christ, who has been sacrificed is the only one which can open the seven seals of the Book that God has in his right hand. The first four seals are known as the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" , each rider rides a horse of different color and prophesies an endless of misfortunes that follow one another:

First Seal

On the first seal the figure of the antichrist appears.

«I saw when the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living beings, shouting in a thundering voice: "Come!" 2 Look, and a white horse appeared! The rider wore a bow; He was given a crown, and came out as the winner, to keep winning.»

The 7 seals of the Apocalypse | Do you know anything about this prophecy?

Second Seal

When the second seal is broken, the prophecy predicts a great war between men.

"When the Lamb broke the second seal, I heard the second living being, shouting:" Come! "4 In that came another horse, red on.The rider was handed a large sword; He was allowed to take peace from the earth and make its inhabitants kill each other."

Third Seal

At the moment when the Lamb breaks the third seal, a great famine will loom over the Earth and there will be great suffering.

«When I opened the third seal, I heard the third Living Being shout:« Come.»This time the horse was black and the one riding it He had a balance in his hand.6 Then a voice was heard from among the four Beings that said: “A measure of wheat for a silver coin; three measures of barley for one coin too; no longer spend oil and wine.»»

The 7 seals of the Apocalypse | Do you know anything about this prophecy?

Fourth Seal

The breaking of the fourth seal brings more hunger, more plagues and more wars.The rider rides a horse of yellow color.

"When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the cry of the fourth Living Being:" Come."8.A greenish horse appeared.The one who rode it was called Death, and behind it another: the World of the Abyss.It was given power to exterminate a quarter of the inhabitants of the earth through the sword, hunger, pestilence and wild beasts.»

The fifth, sixth and seventh seal, they continue explaining and predicting the misfortunes that will occur:

Fifth Seal

This fifth Seal speaks of those who suffer martyrdom for their faith in Jesus Christ.died for him They cry out for justice, but they are made to wait until they meet with those who are still to die in the same circumstances.

«When I opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who were slaughtered because of the word of God and the testimony they were to give.10 They began to shout in a very loud voice: «Holy and just Lord, how long will you wait to do justice and take revenge for our blood to the inhabitants of the earth? »»

The 7 seals of the Apocalypse | Do you know anything about this prophecy?

Sixth Seal

The prophecies continue.The breaking of the Sixth Seal is perhaps the worst: earthquakes, natural misfortunes and total devastation.

»When the Lamb opened the sixth seal, a violent earthquake occurred; the sun went black as a mourning dress, the whole moon was like blood, 13.and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like a fig tree dropping its green figs when agitated by the hurricane.14 The sky I fold like a scroll that is rolled up and there is no mountain range or continent that was not torn from its place.15 The kings of the earth, the ministers, the generals, the rich, the powerful and all the people, both slaves and free men , they hid in the caverns and among the rocks of the hills, »

Seventh Seal

And we reached the Seventh Seal.With it the angels marked the forehead of God's servants.They will have a different treatment:

«...they will no longer suffer hunger or thirst or be burdened by the sun or scorching wind, 17.because the Lamb that is next to the throne will be their shepherd and He will guide the springs of the waters of life, and God will wipe away the tears from his eyes.»»

The 7 seals of the Apocalypse s are a part of the prophecies about the last days contained in the Apocalypse of St.John and focus on a Christian vision of what will be the end of the world, however, it is very interesting to know them since the 7 seals of the Apocalypse are mentioned in a multitude of novels and movies .Did you hear about them? What do you think of the terrifying scenes that predict the ruptures of the 7 seals of the Apocalypse?

If you have been interested in this article, you may want to know other famous prophecies:

-5 predictions That were met!


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