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15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

If you had the opportunity to be in the same city where one of the best known abandoned cemeteries is located, would you enter? You might think about it more than once, since fear could take over your body; however, if you made the decision to do so, it would be better if you knew 15 abandoned cemeteries in the world that, in addition, are part of the dark cemeteries where not everyone dares to enter.

You can find abandoned cemeteries on all continents, but we have selected the most impressive, so you can get an idea of how disturbing they can be.Join us on this literary tour through the loneliest cemeteries on our planet.Be amazed by them!

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15 Abandoned cemeteries in the world | Are you sure you want to meet them?

Abandoned cemeteries in North America

1.Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Chicago, United States

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

This is the first abandoned cemetery we want to talk to you about, since many believe that it is haunted .There are numerous legends that indicate that some people have visualized ghosts in the broad terrain of this North American area.Bachelor's Grove Cemetery is located in the suburbs of the city of Chicago and has 82 plots.

Some paranormal investigators have traveled to this city with the sole objective of visualizing the ghosts that are supposedly around the graves found in this cemetery.Visitors have assured to observe "The White Lady", a woman who walks through the fields with a baby in his arms; to a ghost with two heads; to a black dog; and many more demonstrations.

2.Atsena Otie Cemetery in Florida, United States

In the city Cedar Key, in Florida, we find the next abandoned cemetery you should know. Atsena Otie is the name of this cemetery in which the plants and moss have made their own on the crypts that still remain in the area.This cemetery is completely abandoned so, if you are an adventurous person and not you are scared when night falls, you should include it in your next destinations.

3.Evergreen Cemetery in Virginia, United States

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

The last abandoned cemetery in North America we want to introduce you It is the one in Richmond, Virginia, which is called Evergreen.In this cemetery it is possible to find numerous remains of African-American people, there are even Tombs of celebrities, however, the area was abandoned in the 80s, when the managers stopped caring for the more than five thousand plots that are inside.

Cemeteries abandoned in South America

4.Cemetery of La Noria in Chile

Going down in the Americas we are located in Chile, a country that has a ghost town called La Noria .In this place is a homonymous cemetery that, according to Chileans, is haunted.The abandoned cemetery is one of the darkest, all due to the horrible endings that had the lives of those who remain buried in this South American area, which was characterized by slavery.

5.Sud Cemetery in San Andres de Giles, Argentina

In the north of Argentina it is possible to find, in the province of Buenos Aires, a town called San Andres de Giles, where it locates the South Cemetery, also known under the name of Old Cemetery of Giles. The construction This place occurred as a result of an epidemic of yellow fever that attacked the Argentine population .However, their carelessness has generated their inclusion in the list of abandoned cemeteries in the world, since that weeds and dark stories abound in this place.

Abandoned cemeteries in Europe

6.Abney Park Cemetery in London, England

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

As the first abandoned cemetery in Europe we refer to the Abney Park, located specifically in Stoke Newington.Although today it is a place of public interest and part of its 31 acres They are cared for the enjoyment of tourists, this place is also part of the abandoned cemeteries of the world because some of its areas are desolate.With more than 200 thousand graves, the Abdney Park Cemetery in London is a dark place that you should discover if you have the opportunity to travel to England.

7.Barnes Cemetery in London, England

Luckily, traveling to this country in Europe can be ideal for those fans of legends, the curious cemeteries and "the beyond".Again in London we find an abandoned cemetery that, without a doubt, is completely spooky.Its construction was carried out in 1854, however, it is currently in disuse, so there are areas who have been victims of vandalism, being possible to observe decapitated statues and sculptures .

8.Highgate Cemetery in London, England

Continuing in curious England, in its capital city, London , is the Highgate Cemetery, which opened in 1839 and although today it is a historical heritage and of cultural interest, due to the presence of famous tombs such as Karl Marx, it also has abandoned areas in which people have observed vampires , a legend that has been told since 1960.

9.Geffield General Cemetery in England

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

In the city of Sheffield, in South Yorkshire, England, the last cemetery of abandoned cemeteries in this European country is located: the Sheffield General Cemetery.Its doors were opened in the 1836 and inside there are more than 87 thousand bodies buried .This place is taken care of by the people who inhabit the city, however, due to its large size, it has completely abandoned areas, in addition, its structures are not sufficiently maintained.Only by observing the entrance to the cemetery will you know that you are about to enter a dark place.

10.Capel Celyn's underwater cemetery in Wales

In this nation of the United Kingdom is one of the most interesting underwater cemeteries of all .Specifically it is in the area of ​​Capel Celyn and the most striking thing about this cemetery is that the tombstones are still preserved at the bottom of the sea.Therefore, if you like diving and the cemeteries, this place is, without a doubt, your ideal destination!

11.Jewish cemetery of Kolbuszowa, Poland

The next graveyard that we include in the 15 abandoned cemeteries of the The world belongs to the city of Kolbuszowa, in Poland, a place that has no more than 10,000 inhabitants and that, without a doubt, keeps a lot of history. The homonymous cemetery was active for many years to bury Jewish bodies, however , it is currently abandoned although, despite this, some structures, rocks and, of course, tombstones that have been vandalized remain.

12.Newington Cemetery in Scotland

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

The city of Edinburgh is the seat of the Newington Cemetery, one of the most impressive abandoned cemeteries that you can know .This place is not only full of weeds and fallen tombstones but also of a lot of history.The cemetery has a special area for the Jews, in addition, there are more than 300 graves that belong to people who participated in both the First and Second World War.

13.Lost Cemetery of Madise in Estonia

In this northern European country we find the next abandoned cemetery that you cannot miss.In Madise, Estonia, there is a graveyard accompanied by the little that remains of a former chapel. The tombs of this place were installed from the year 1802 , so it is part of the ancient cemeteries found in the "old continent".

14.Cemetery of the Church of Monte Olivo in Italy

Italy is characterized by being one of the European countries with the largest number of buildings and religious monuments, therefore, the next abandoned cemetery that you are close to knowing belonged precisely to a church. In the areas surrounding the municipality that is now known as Urbino, in Marche, there is the cemetery of the Church of Monte Olivo , whose tombs are difficult to find not only because of their age, but because the ruins of the church they have disappeared almost completely, so the tombstones have been buried next to them.

15.All Saints Cemetery in Plavsk, Russia

15 Abandoned cemeteries of the world | Not everyone dares to enter

In Plavsk, Russia, we find the last abandoned cemetery in the world that We want you to know.This city is barely 8 km2 in area and a proportion of them belongs to the cemetery. The Cemetery of All Saints has been abandoned for many years , which is why it is normal to see how the plants have been in charge of covering the tombstones of people whose remains lie in this area.

Now that you know 15 abandoned cemeteries in the world where not everyone dares to enter, would you dare to do so? If so, share in the comments what would be the graveyards in which you would like to embark on an adventure .These cemeteries, despite their abandonment, are full of history that deserves to be known.


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