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World War III, closer than you think?

The world seems to be sinking into an abyss in which we are unable to distinguish between good and evil. The struggle for world hegemony and the growing tensions between the main war powers of the planet have revived old fears about of a nuclear holocaust .Faced with this very discouraging panorama, we have witnessed both the emergence of numerous theories as well as the resurgence of ancient prophecies and certain predictions that seem to indicate that the Third World War could be close.For this reason, in Mysterious we believe it is important to keep you informed of these theories and prophecies about the Third World War, which designate an uninviting future and confirm the starting point of a bloody, destructive and atrocious war never experienced before.

History has proven to be cyclical, and our inability to learning correctly from the episodes of the past has resulted in the emergence, for years, of a developing economic war.In it, large corporations and multinationals completely run the planet, and have caused huge destabilization scenarios solely for economic and economic reasons.monolithic.So much so, that in recent months theories have soared and predictions about the Third World War , and even the millionaire elite has invested their fortunes in the construction of bunkers and shelters in the face of the chaos that reigns globally.

The Third World War, closer than you think?

Recent events on the international scene have encouraged the growing concern of the world population.It is undeniable that the struggle for global hegemony between the United States and Europe, against Russia and China has relived the fears of a nuclear war, and it is also unquestionable the existence of certain points of extreme tension in the globe.The question that everyone seems to ask is: Will all these events be enough to trigger a new world war? Different theories and predictions are intended to answer this question.Here are some of them so you can forge your own opinion about it.

The sit Current situation seen by foreign policy analysts

World War III, closer than you think?

-Henry Kissinger . German-American politician of Jewish origin who served as Secretary of State during the presidential mandates of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

In his book called World Order he states that today's world maintains true similarities with the Europe of the end of the Thirty Years War, which led to the peace of Westphalia in 1648.Precisely because of the existence of a huge multiplicity of chaotic political units, incompatible ideologies and dissimilar cultures, no one had enough power to impose on the rest.It is for this reason that he opted for the nation-state system and the replacement of the imperial world in favor of a more modest one that would respect the sovereignty of the other.r defends, therefore, the search for a balance that does not encourage a hegemony over others.

-Robert Kagan . American neoconservative political essayist, advisor to the former president George W.Bush and the Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States, John McCain.

Kagan brings a completely different point of view to the one described above, as he calls such a naive theory.On the contrary, he considers that the current scene will lead to conflicts of notorious gravity worldwide if the need for the United States to strengthen its power is not understood.The new isolationist nationalism seriously undermines the established world order and can put the solidity of liberal democracy, encouraging an accelerated disappearance of the latter.

Prophecies about World War III

Until now, most of the prophecies pointed to the Middle East, but In the Asian giant is Don This is the breeding ground for a nuclear catastrophe.Although there are obviously other similar prophecies, we have selected the that have had more impact so far.

World War III, closer than you think?

-Nostradamus . The most consecrated seer

Nostradamus, the most popular French astrologer in all of history, already predicted in the 9th century that humanity would spend an extremely critical moment between 2017 and 2018.Predictions for this period include both global economic collapse and nuclear terrorism; but not only that, but I guess with incredible accuracy the attacks of September 11, 2001.

-Horacio Villegas . The messenger of God

This supposed seer, self-proclaimed as "messenger of God", affirms that the deep study of the Bible along with his visions, have revealed the event of the Third World War.Horacio Villegas became known for predicting the arrival of Donald Trump to the US presidency two years in advance as well as his attack on Syria, pointing him out as the man who would push the world into this new war, which he will no longer have solution.Recently, he says he had a dream in which fireballs fell from the sky to Earth, which is a metaphor for nuclear missiles.

-Baba Vanga . The blind prophet

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, mostly known as Baba Vanga or "the blind prophet", is considered one of the great seers of the twentieth century thanks to the fulfillment of a large number of his predictions; to highlight, the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11 in New York, the separation of Great Britain from the European Union and the attacks with chemical weapons in the Middle East.I affirm that when everyone put their hopes in a new leader to solve the crisis, the conflicts between the north and the south would begin to escalate.It has been speculated that this corresponds to North Korea and South Korea.

World War III, closer than you think?

-Annonymous joins the Third Party announcement World War

Recently, the Annonymous group updated its YouTube channel to warn the population about an imminent Third World War triggered by the United States and North Korea.They also stressed that, unlike past wars, it will be more fierce, brutal and quick.In addition, it will be completely devastating both environmentally and economically omico.However, citizens would be the last to know the situation.

Before concluding this article, it should be noted that in all this situation, the lack of a US foreign policy doctrine further complicates the possibility of establishing forecasts.Also, and despite the fact that the United States currently presents a military budget incomparable to the rest of the powers, s on many those who believe that the dissuasive actions of the countries to avoid being harmed would make the Third World War in a very unlikely prognosis , at least imminently.On the other hand, many others choose to set their sights on suicide terrorist organizations, and set the common goal of all powers to prevent such organizations from supplying a relevant nuclear arsenal.So, when you don't believe in the outbreak of a Third World War, the greatest short-term dangers are the erosion of liberal democracy, the rise of nationalist authoritarianism and populism.

It is clear that no theory or analysis is infallible, but we still hope you will be encouraged to get involved and leave us a comment with your opinion.Do you think the situation current will lead to the outbreak of a Third World War earlier than we think? Do you think that we have already begun to live its beginning? What role do you think the prophecies play in all this? You already know that in Mysterious we will be happy to know your point of view so we can chat with you. 128578;


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