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Aberfan, the catastrophe that hundreds sounded and that nobody believed

What happened in the small Welsh town of Aberfan in the 1960s stands today as one of the saddest and most disturbing events in history.It was a morning of the 21st of October 1966 when its inhabitants saw how, suddenly, the entire town was engulfed by a large amount of coal, mud and debris.A disaster that originated in the coal mine debris, which covered all of Aberfan in a matter of minutes.

However, such an incident could have been avoided.I just had to pay attention to all those people who rang the disaster days before, something that obviously nobody believed.

Visions before a disaster

We will start talking about a girl, a 10-year-old creature called Eryl Mai Jones. Her dreams began about 15 days before the disaster, nightmares loaded with great anguish in which, according to herself she told her mother and her teachers «something black and big pounced I was about school covering everything.”

This could have gone unnoticed, but the fact is that in that same school, there were about 128 children who told the same story days after Eryl herself arrived explaining his nightmare. The teachers did not pay too much attention.They thought, perhaps, that it was a simple "childish fashion" to say that everyone was having the same dream.But were the children the only ones coming? suffering the same and unique experience? Not at all.

We also have the case of a retired employee of the railway line, a man who lived in southern England (and therefore far from the town of Aberfan itself), who began to have dreams and visions as of October 14.The darkness he saw associated her with coal, something "related to coal was going to happen."

On October 19 these dreams begin to spread throughout Wales, especially in women.You may wonder at this point how we can accept that so many people could have the same dream and give this phenomenon as “true.” It was a casual act, one of those events happen from time to time to show us amazing things.It was precisely during that month when the English psychologist JCBarker was conducting a study on the topic of predictions.His study was simply based on interviewing people to talk about their dreams and deduce , then, if correlation occurred ones or similarities between different individuals throughout the United Kingdom.

Aberfan, the catastrophe that hundreds sounded and that nobody believed

Aerial view of the Aberfan disaster

Before the disaster I had a few testimonies of that" strange darkness that covered a town ", but it was later when I inquire more deeply into the subject.He had, especially and before the catastrophe, the testimony of Mrs. C.Milden of Plymouth, who clearly saw a school in a valley and several terrified children watching as a flood of carbon came over them.

The Aberfan disaster

The day has come.The drawback of premonitory dreams and visions is that they never have much concreteness.Disaster, horror and that are intuited emotional charge, but the details are lost, blur; hence, no one offered a specific date on what was going to happen in Aberfan.

October 21, 1966 .The avalanche of carbon fell like a gigantic tongue engulfing everything.Eryl Mai Jones, the girl who first had the premonitory dreams died in her school with 115 more children.The disaster was baited especially with this school.28 adults died, the rest, all children under The amazing thing about this catastrophe is that while it was happening, several people across the UK woke up startled in the middle of terrible images.Bright Brown Sybil Brown, for example, rang with a child trapped inside a phone booth screaming, while other children were trapped by a large black mass.

Aberfan, the catastrophe that hundreds sounded and that nobody believed

Aberfan disaster

Another woman from London sounded that the walls of his house collapsed and that he was buried, while another, he saw in his dreams the word "Aberfan". The name of that town where, at the same time the teachers they began to pass list in the school, a mountain of 200 meters high and formed by the carbon left over from the nearby mines, approached unstoppable due to the rains.It was about half a million tons of «black mass» that were swallowed This little town Wales, without anyone could do anything.

The same day, the psychologist JCBarker was almost breathless to discover that several of the testimonies he had collected, they fit in with this catastrophe.So, despite being too late, he decided to delve deeper into that phenomenon.He placed an ad in the newspapers, asking if there was anyone who had had premonitory dreams in relation to what happened in Aberfan.And so it was , received several responses, of which only One part showed him, due to details that had not been published in the press, that it was hundreds of people (if we include the inhabitants of Aberfan) who had a clear omen of the catastrophe that was going to happen.

Aberfan, the catastrophe that hundreds sounded and that nobody believed

Plaque commemorating the 116 children killed in the Aberfan disaster

If you have been interested in this article, you also know the case of Cameron Macaulay, the alleged reincarnated child.


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