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APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

The weather is going crazy for the action of man, you just have to look at these last months to see floods, hot weather, devastating tornadoes and other phenomena that touch the apocalyptic .Yes To this we add the escalation of violence and the crisis economic, sometimes it is scary to think about what might happen in 2016.Several investigations have been done on which would be the safest places on the planet in which to take refuge in case of apocalypse.Its security, stability, prosperity or simply their geographical situation, make them candidates to survive .In some we could take refuge in case of an apocalypse due to climate change, others are interesting in case of an invasion or attack, and even some would be a good refuge if the apocalyptic situation were due to nuclear disaster.Let's meet 9 of them!

APOCALYPSE! 10 places to take refuge


One of the best places to survive is Island.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

Among the qualities that make it worthy of being in this ranking is the fact that it is the most isolated European country, to function basically with geothermal energy , to be an island with abundant fishing and to have passed for a very strong financial crisis without catastrophic results.

2.Tierra de Fuego, Argentina

Tierra de Fuego is on this list because it has a characteristic that the It does only: l os wind patterns .

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

These patterns would make a possible radioactive fallout not come to the Argentine archipelago.

3.Greenbrier Resort, West Virginia

The US government, foreseeing the possibility of a nuclear holocaust, in the decade of the 50 command to build a super bunker on the premises of a luxurious complex in West Virginia.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

Currently, since its existence is of public domain , it is ruled out as a place to house the government if there is a catastrophe, but the bunker still exists.

4.Tristan da Cunha

From Tristan da Cunha we already talked to you on another occasion in Mysterious.Its value in this list is precisely its isolation since it is more than 2,000 km.from the nearest inhabited place.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

It has also taken into account its ability to self-supply, especially when it comes to food.


If you prefer a city, one of those experts advise is Denver in the United States.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

This city is very close to incredible oil reserves and in terms of its geographical location, is located a mile above sea level which would keep it safe in hypothetical global warming and also surrounded by mountains that would facilitate its defense.


Another city on this list is Bern , the capital of Switzerland.It deserves to be here for being the capital of a country that has remained neutral in recent war conflicts.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

It is also located at a considerable height and surrounded by mountains and fertile lands.

7.La Antartida

This would be the best place to hide for a season.It is inhospitable and far from everything .before you should collect food and everything you might need since there there is practically no nothing that can help you survive.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

Of course, Antarctica would not help you in case of apocalypse due to a climate change, since you would surely end up floating on an ice islet.

8 Lewis Island

The Scottish Lewis Island is more than three hours from the coast.It has many natural resources and belongs to Great Britain, which has not suffered an invasion for 950 years,-this fact we do not know if the zombies will take it into account-.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

Food and whiskey are guaranteed.


It is a territory of Canada attached to Alaska.Its population is very scarce and they live almost exclusively from of catastrophe, its isolation , the possibility of subsisting thanks to hunting and fishing and mobility across its rivers , they do a privileged place.

APOCALYPSE! 9 places to take refuge

The downside is the cold that makes most of the year.

Now that you know this nine places, which one would you take refuge in? Which one do you think is safer? If you were interested in this article, you might want to take the test.Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?


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