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2 games to invoke spirits (Part II)

In a previous edition we tell you about some games that in theory allow to establish a connection with the world of the dead and the paranormal, if you want to continue knowing more about these strange and terrifying games, you cannot Stop reading the second part of this list. WARNING: This article does not encourage you to try them, just to know them, as they exist, and to better understand what they consist of.

1.The cup

This game is quite similar to that of the Ouija , they should be written and cut out the letters of the alphabet, also the numbers from 0 to 9 and the words: Yes and No.Then you must place all the letters forming a circle on a flat surface.

2 games to invoke spirits (Part II)

To play at least 2 people must be present, place a glass cup in the center of all the letters and then the participants must hold hands and say:

"Does any soul beyond want to communicate with us?"

Then, they should place their index finger on top of the cup and repeat the previous sentence until the spirit manifests itself.It is said that if the cup gets broken , is a sign that the soul invoked will never leave that place.


This Japanese game is intended to invoke the spirit of Daruma-san , a woman who died when she slipped and fell into her lasts 24 hours and in theory this soul in sorrow will chase you, if you don't follow the instructions well.

2 games to invoke spirits (Part II)

The first thing to do is fill the water bath and get into it to give you a bath as usual, the difference is that the bathroom light should be off and once the game starts you should have your eyes closed.While one is washing your hair, repeat over and over again :

"Daruma come."

At that moment it is supposed to mentally visualize a Japanese woman long black hair on the edge of the bathtub.Apparently, soon ceases to be just imaginac ion and it begins to feel as if someone is touching the water in the bathtub and observing the player attentively.There are those who say that they even feel a breath on one of your shoulders.Then, they ask:

“Why did you fall into the bathroom?”

Then, always with your eyes closed, the bathtub comes out very carefully, the door opens , and the bathroom is abandoned.Once the door is closed, you can already open your eyes.You should not enter the bathroom again during the night, so it is convenient to go to sleep.When you wake up, supposedly will feel his presence , as the day goes closer to one, chasing him wherever he goes, so you should not let the spirit take over one.After 24 hours of invoking it, finish the game and the only way to do it is to look straight ahead at this spectrum, pronounce the word "Kitta" and then place your hand on in front of one and move it quickly from top to bottom, like a karate movement.If the game is not finished that way, the legend says that Daruma will torment you forever.

These games have become Over the years in legends that reflect the superstitious nature of our society, do they really work? I think it's better not to find out. Have you ever played them?

Image: DragonOak , DragonOak


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