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Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about your relationship

It is no secret, that throughout the history the cats and magic have been related .Perhaps, the beginning of this relationship is a mystery that is not entirely clear.Most folklore presented to these animals as the favorite pets of the witches.At a time, when the cats were very persecuted they always had relation with them.

Another reason, may be the mysterious character and the appearance of These animals, the black cat, enjoys a lot of negative popularity among the most superstitious people.In this Mysterious article we invite you to take a tour through the whole history so that you can know the most relevant curiosities about cats and magic. Discover them!

Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about their relationship

1.Generically, the relationship between cats and humans is very old since it is said that they have been making us company for more than 9,000 years .

2.Saint Patrick, a saint who is venerated in many Anglo-Saxon regions and patron of Ireland, expelled all the cats of the country due to the relationship they had with the practices of dark magic.

3.Many of these animals were burned at the stake together with their owners as people considered them bad spirits.

4.In the Scandinavian countries , cats and magic were also very close.The cat was the protector of the home and its food, in fact, they used to be the guardians of the whole family .

5.The cats and magic duality is already coming from Ancient Egypt, at that time cats were considered as gods .The Egyptians placed statues of this animal at the door of their homes for Spain ntar to the bad spirits.

Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about your relationship

6.So important were cats in Ancient Egypt, that anyone who ended the life of one of them would have to face grief of death .Besides keeping a lot of mourning when a cat died.

7.In medieval times, people were convinced that cats were more than just companions to witches. they had the power to become this type of feline .

8.As we have said before, cats and magic are still very much related today.Not surprisingly, people superstitious believe that crossing a black cat causes bad luck .

9.Cat skeletons have been found in the ground floor of London's emblematic buildings.This is because it was thought that burying cats in the foundations would serve to protect them forever.

Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about your relationship

10.Some people think that simply stroking the back of a cat will leave the bad vibrations of the body as if by art of magic.

11.According to popular belief, cats have many psychic powers .They get so connected to their owners that they can intuit when they are about to get home.

12.Cats have so much power and mysticism, that the saying that they have seven lives is popular or that they always fall on their feet regardless of height of the fall.Without a doubt, magical powers.

13.A very curious fact that has to do with cats and magic is that the plague spread very quickly by Europe, since the carriers of the disease were the rats that could have been eradicated by cats had their numbers not been decimated so much in witchcraft trials.

14.Easily detect the fields m agneticos and presences beyond that human beings escape.

15.Throughout all the cinematographic and literary history there have been innumerable references between cats and magic.In recent times it may be Crookshanks that was Hermione's cat in the movies of the wizard Harry Potter or Salem , Sabrina's feline.

Cats and Magic | 20 Curiosities about your relationship

16.Black cats are they consider more magical and powerful because that color helps retain energy or magic , while white repels it.

17.There was a popular belief that was said to be exhausted the last of his seven lives , the cat becomes a human being.

18.The so-called " sixth sense" of the cat is also famous , one of the few animals that has this powerful sensibility.

19.When a cat rubs its hands, it does not only mean that it is looking for food but that it is sharing magic with its owner.

20.People who engage in any paranormal activity are prohibited from entering cats into the same room where they are carrying out such activity, due to because they believe that the power of the cat could eclipse their work.

As you could see after reading this article about cats and magic, these animals are much more powerful You are and admired of what you thought before.If you want to leave us your impressions, experiences or reflect what are the characteristics of the cats that have surprised you the most, we are always willing to read your comments. Do not hesitate to write to us!


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