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5 findings that tried to prove that the giants existed

At least once in our lives we have heard stories of men of colossal size who inhabited the earth.They may be true, maybe not.But these 5 findings tried to prove that the giants existed.

5 findings that tried to prove that the giants existed

1-Remains of Giants in Bulgaria

The city of Varna, in Bulgaria, used to be part of Odessos about 7,000 years ago., the mythology was closely linked with the giants.And when in 2015 remains of a human skeleton were found quite peculiar for their size, the eyes of the curious were nailed in the city.However, the exact measure is not known, because you never know I inform the media about it; It is only known that it was of great size.

2-Giant footprints around the world

One of the most overwhelming findings to prove that the giants existed, are the traces of what they seem human feet.In Mpaluzi, South Africa, there is the Goliath footprint, an impression of 1.2 meters long between 200 and 300 million years old.Two more were found near San Jose, California, and in Tanzania discovered in 1976.

5 findings that tried to prove that the giants existed

Really curious but authentic discoveries?

3-Giants of the Caucasus Mountains

In 2008, a man discovered what looked like a grave of giants in the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia.According to the man, they were two skeletons sitting at a table and had a great size.A local television program went to the site, but the crypt had already collapsed.nte, they found the remains under the rubble and were studied by Professor Vekua, who died and nothing more was known of the bones belonging to two individuals between 2.5 meters and 3 meters high.It should be said that the possibility arises to investigate in the collapsed crypt to recover more remains to study.

4-Aleutian Islands

The Aleutian Islands are located between Alaska and the easternmost part of Russia.Alli skulls were found and bones with proportions greater than normal, during the construction of the runway of what would be the base of US operations against Japan in World War II.Zoologist Ivan T.Sanderson was the one who received the information from the findings, but the Smithsonian Institute was responsible for collecting the alleged remains and there was no more discussion of the subject.

5-Remains of giants in Ecuador

Father Carlos Vaca, from Ecuador , was invited to Loja, a province of the South American country to observe a strange event.The locals had found bones of colossal dimensions.Austrian researcher Klaus Dona got a permit to take a bone to Austria and analyze its origin.When doing a DNA test, he found no conclusive evidence of its age, but that it could belong to someone about 7.6 meters tall.Again, there is no more information about the finding.

Do you think the giants existed? Undoubtedly, although it seems that many findings have been made, none has finished officially transcending the media.Will they be authentic? Maybe for the moment we cannot know for sure.

If you were interested in this article, read also: The mystery of the giant skeletons of Wisconsin.

Images: , Kamikazekyle10.


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