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Do you know the chilling legend of the Bridge of the Elves?

The Bridge of the Goblins is one of the most chilling Latin American legends.It has its origin in Puebla, Mexico, where the locals are warned from very young of the dangers they will face if they approach a mysterious place located in the middle of the mountains.Continue reading and learn more about this interesting legend.

Do you know the chilling legend of the Bridge of the Elves?

The legend of the Bridge of the Goblins has its origin in Puebla, Mexico.Alli, the villagers are warned since they are very small of the dangers they can face if they approach a mysterious place located in the center of the mountains, but what happens in that place? Legend has it that little elves drag people , regardless of sex or age, down to a bridge.

People who are dragged under this bridge hard they can go out again .Only a farmer achieved such audacity, so thanks to him you can learn a little more about what these elves do to their victims.

Do you know the chilling legend of the Bridge of the Elves?

History tells us that This man returned from the village festivities a little drunk.When he got home he realized he had no firewood, so he left quickly in search of some pieces of wood.As it was getting dark, the man hurried when suddenly He saw a huge hen .He was strange, since all his neighbors used to lock the animals for fear of coyote attacks, but without giving more importance he decided to take ela and thus have an appetizing hen for dinner.

The hen was much more elusive than the man imagined, so he was chasing her through the bushes.When he could realize , the hen was standing right at one end of the terrifying bridge. Scared of death the man tried to run, but it was too late.His body began to fall asleep and he felt him being dragged into the darkness against his will.

Laughing and whispering the man managed to see how the chicken was transformed into a small man of less than a meter , who gave him a look full of hate.While the man heard screams , cries and groans of pain, he managed to regain control of his body for a moment.He then persecuted himself and said the following words:

"Our Father, if my flesh is for the demons, at least let my soul be with you in paradise ”

The inflamed creatures will try n to pounce on the peasant .However, this-thanks to the force that the words he had just uttered-had managed to run with all his strength and escape from under the malefic bridge.The next day the man He woke up believing that he had had a terrible nightmare, but then he would realize that everything had been very real.

His legs were completely covered with painful scratches and bloody, and when he got up he could see how a blood feathered chicken feathers path was headed for the "Bridge of the Goblins".

Do you think there could be something else out there, some evil force, that observes us and that if you can , do you decide to cross our path to harm us?

If you liked this article, we invite you to read more: 5 Chilling Latin American legends.


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