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The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

The world of archeology always brings us spectacular finds.Parts that give us new data about our history, about our past and personal legacy within each of the civilizations that make up our world.But sometimes, instead of giving us clear information, offer us doubts and authentic challenges .Especially if they are the famous Ooparts, remember, misplaced objects or time, to whom we already dedicate an article in supercurioso.

Do you want to know five examples of these really disturbing and inexplicable objects for the world of science?

1.Quimbaya artefacts

They were found in Colombia , near the Otun River.These are beautiful gold and bronze figures of the Quimbaya culture dating back to 1000 AD as you can see small planes, unique machines of aerodynamic form that confuse historians greatly.There are 24 figu In the world, but many of them were stolen and taken out of the country illegally.If one day you go to the Gold Museum in Bogota, you can see some of them, but that if...classified simply as zoomorphic figures and not as old airplanes, of course.What do you think?

The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

2.El Maine penny

Curiosity where they exist.In 1957, archaeologists discovered something really unique in Indian ruins in the state of Maine in the United States.of an authentic Norwegian penny of the eleventh century.That is, long before Christopher Columbus arrived on the American continent.What could this tell us? That indeed, the Vikings arrived long before the famous conqueror.Should we correct our history books?

The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

3.Voynich manuscript

Mysterious illustrated book over 500 years old.Its mystery? which is written in an indecipherable alphabet and in a completely unknown language.Since it was discovered it has gone through countless laboratories, offices, universities and countless experts in historical cryptography.But no one has been able to unravel a single word.perhaps? Experts say no, that it is something truly sophisticated to be a simple inventiveness such as Tolkien's elvenic language or the Star Trek klingon .A challenge that even today has not solution found.

The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

4.The hammer of Texas

Singular object of more than 140 million antiquity found in 1934.Its mystery? which is a kind of hammer made of high purity iron, obviously impossible to achieve with the technology of the time.You may think that there has been an error in its dating, but it is not like that.A little time new tests are carried out taking advantage of the present technologies and the advances.But the result remains the same.It is a strangely old and impossible iron hammer for the time.

The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

5.Astronaut of Kiev

A classic one.This metal statuette is 2,000 years old, and as you can see, its outfit is really peculiar.There are those who see a kind of helmet and an authentic space suit.An oopart maybe? An ancient representation of a spaceman? Or a simple representation of the past culture of Russia at the time? Too many questions and no clear answers yet.

The 5 strangest archeological objects in the world

Image: Rob Young


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