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Learn the chilling story of the house owned by Puerto Montt

There are some stories so scary that they seem to be taken out of a Hollywood movie, but in many cases the reality surpasses fiction.Such is the case of a humble house in Puerto Montt, Chile , which has risen to fame for the paranormal events that took place there and continue to take place.

Learn the chilling story of the house owned by Puerto Montt

1,300 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile is Puerto Montt.This small city has become famous thanks to a series of inexplicable events that occurred and continue to occur in a humble house.levitan, strange noises and spontaneous fires are some of the events that happen in this home.

Learn the chilling story of the house owned by Puerto Montt

The case of Puerto Montt is particular It is interesting because, even the police were involved in it.The paranormal activity inside the house reached such intolerable levels that the family was forced to call the police.

When the officials entered the house, they could observe for themselves how some objects were levitating and falling violently to the floor .Suddenly a large-sized knife flew off by itself, just touching the back of one of the police.As Olavarria recounts, thanks to the fact that he was wearing the bulletproof vest, he was not injured from this strange and inexplicable the same way, when I was coming out of the door, a knife of about 15 centimeters stepped around my back. Thank God I had the bulletproof vest, so there was no injury.Recently smoke could be seen.There was no one inside »

Inside the house there are burnt mattresses, countless broken objects and exploded windows.The neighbors quickly began to gather around the house.They have tried to capture with their cell phones some proof that the paranormal events that occur there are real.

Also pastors of different religions have come to the place to bless and exorcise the home .In fact, there is a video in which objects are supposed to fall while the pastor prays.On the other hand, various users ensure that if the video speed is lowered to 0.25 a ghostly figure can be observed in the second 0: 57.We leave the video for you to see for yourself.

What do you think ?, Did you observe the famous ghostly figure?

They are muc hos who criticize the press for giving so much voice to an event of this kind, because they believe that the only thing they are trying to do is divert attention from other issues of greater public interest and political nature.Do you think they are right? p>

If you liked this article, we invite you to read more about: Terrorifico, Marta's exorcism


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