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This theory ensures that the world will end in September

A new apocalyptic theory has emerged and suggests that you should say goodbye and put everything in order this month because in the world will end in September thanks to a mysterious planet called Nibiru.Ennterate what it is about. The world will end in September, according to this theory The culprit of the alleged end of the world will be a mythical planet, creatively called Planet X or Nibiru, which, as they have been predicting for years , will collide with Earth and cause the end of days. They also say it has something to do with the total US solar eclipse that will occur on August 21 and that he would throw some areas of the planet into darkness.In addition, those who defend this theory also rely on some passages of the Bible. This theory is known as the Nibiru apocalyptic movement and one of his most ardent defenders are convinced that it will happen very soon. David Meade , who is an "amateur astronomer and Christian numerologist" has been studying
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