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Discover the terrifying idol of Shigir, 11,000 years old

Shigir's Idol has something of a mystic, something of an atavico and a lot of disturbing .Lovers of alien theories say that he has the traits of those ancient creatures that appear in many paintings of our most remote and unknown past.In Mysterious we speak to you, for example, of the strange gods of Tassili, whose scuffles and bulging heads, remembered in a way the being of Shigir.

Discover the terrifying idol of Shigir, 11,000 years old

It is the oldest wooden sculpture in the world.So much so that it was estimated until recently that it had about 9,000 years, but a team of German scientists has adjusted their age a little more. Nothing more and nothing less than 11,000 years.

Would you like to know more about the Shigir idol?

The giant that came from the Siberian mob

cold, no There is no doubt, and of a remote antiquity that we have taken a long time to discover.This wooden figure was discovered in the 19th century, specifically on January 24, 1890, and at a depth of 4 meters, in the Shigir peat bog, near the western periphery of Siberia.

It was in a blind and in very bad condition, so much so that it was extracted in several parts.What they were unveiling gradually can be summarized in this disturbing data:

  • Shigir's idol measures 2.8 meters and in reality, has no face, but 7. To understand it you just have to look at the image below.Curious isn't it?

Discover the terrifying idol of Shigir, 11,000 years old

  • The sculpture has been rebuilt little by little. However, never all the pieces could be fitted because they don't follow a known logic .Professor Lobanov, combined the main fragments to reconstitute the sculpture in the early twentieth century.But the arms, for example, did not quite fit the figure.
  • In 1914, the archeologist Ekaterimburgense Vladimir Tolmatsjev, thought that the leftover pieces were not arms, but legs, and therefore I endow him with more height, almost 5.3 meters.
  • Over time, these pieces were removed and eventually lost, with which the idol ended with a height of 1, 93 centimeters.That is, the pieces found in the bog were either lost or they never finished knowing that they could fit in.
  • What seems clear today is its age: 11 thousand years. The statue would have been carved in the Holocene, with the first hunters and gatherers of the Urals .

Discover the terrifying idol of Shigir, 11,000 years old

  • The purpose of the idol was purely mystical. The researchers believe it would have some religious purpose , and hence, those inscriptions in a dead language so old, that today no one has yet been able to decipher.All a challenge, there is no doubt.
  • It was carved with a stone.And the wood is of larch; there where the tree's ring count reveals that was about 150 years old when it was torn down to create this shocking figure.
  • The whole body of the idol is covered by symbols.

Discover the terrifying idol of Shigir, 11,000 years old

If you like challenges, and you dream of seeing this figure in person to enjoy one of the oldest and most impressive testimonies of humanity, do not hesitate to approach until the Sverdlovsk History Museum. We assure you that seeing the 7 faces of the Shigir idol is a unique experience...

Is there any similar idol in your country? Do not hesitate to leave us your comments and impressions about it.


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