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A Haunted Museum bought a part of Charles Manson's body

A part of the body of Charles Manson, the famous criminal, leader of the satanic sect "the Manson family", is currently displayed in the Haunted Museum of Las Vegas along with other objects that belonged to the man whose madness unleashed terror in California in the late sixties.Would you be interested to know which part it is? Keep reading!

A part of Charles Manson's body is displayed in a Haunted Museum

With the death of one of the most macabre criminals in recent history, on November 19 In 2017, at the age of 87, the Haunted Museum of Las Vegas was interested in buying a part of the body of Charles Manson that lost months before his death: dentures.

The story of how I got there is really curious.Second, the TMZ entertainment portal, the owner of the Zak Bagans museum of oddities, shared that the offer was made by a friend of Manson. Agree with the subject who sold it, in the first instance the dental prosthesis was delivered to that of a former fellow prisoner of the famous convict.The man confessed that he would have stolen it from Manson in the showers of the detention center State of California, Corcoran, just to play a joke, but it never came back rle dentures.

A Haunted Museum bought a part of Charles Manson's body

Charles Manson

In fact, the friend was in charge of photographing the body part of Charles Manson and was sent a postcard to his original owner.In response to his acquaintance's slapstick, Manson begged him to please he returned, however the man ignored his request and now his false teeth are shown in this place that houses from old dolls and bewitched items, to a showcase full of skulls with disturbing origins.

Agree with the stories that revolve around this corner full of macabre and chilling things, it is said that the place remained abandoned for a while until Zak Bagans took over the property.During that period, he rumored that groups of intruders used to enter the house from the basement to perform ri You can expect the atmosphere there to be dense enough to oppress your chest.

A Haunted Museum bought a part of Charles Manson's body

Zak bagans next to the collection of cursed dolls at the Las Vegas Haunted Museum

It is estimated that in the Haunted Museum of Las Vegas, located in what used to be the mansion of an entrepreneur at the beginning of the last century, there are more than 300 objects related to the occult and the paranormal.Not only the teeth of Charles Manson happened to be integrated into this Horror exhibition was also sold to Bagans the flip-flops that Manson wore in prison, several unpublished photographs, crafts made by him and a necklace with a pentagram made of pieces of underwear and toilet paper.Would you visit him?

If you liked the article, you will want to visit: The most amazing museums in Jap on.

Images: wikipedia, reviewjournal.


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