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The disturbing purgatory in the Land of St. Patrick

Do you believe in Purgatory? Saint Patrick , the patron saint of Ireland who introduced the Christian religion on this island, thought that on Earth there was an idyllic setting for purification and atonement, which could be associated very well with the classical idea of importantPurgatory accoun.

That place is in the county of Donegal, Ireland, on a very special island that stands in Lough Derg, surrounded by a somewhat somber atmosphere, that Yes, and where St.Patrick said, one can be a testimony of their own sins, of their own faults and, get closer to the faith.

Be that as it may, for many it is a Mysterious scenario more worthy of being visited, whether you are a believer or not.There is a deep cave now blocked, a disturbing circular garden, blinds, mountains associated with the angels and the Devil, and an air full of mysticism that will invite you not only to inner reflection and meditation, but to take dozens of photographs.

Do you come with us? panas on this unique walk?

The purgatory of St.Patrick

Lourgh Derg is a lake dotted with several islands, but the most important of all, is Station island, there where Rise «Saint Patrick´s Purgatory». You will arrive by ferry, and just step on the small port, you will immediately find the statue of St.Patrick, this humble pilgrim who brought Christianity to Ireland, and that will receive you with quiet kindness.However, the atmosphere you will find is somewhat disturbing.

The disturbing purgatory in the Land of St. Patrick

Tells the story that was here, more than 1500 years ago, when St.Patrick was forced to do penance after having faced to the druids and whom he considered "as pagans." He also made them disappear from this island and stayed there for a while, living then very strange experiences.Perhaps it was the fault, maybe the remorse or maybe simple visions...But according to him, it was on this island where he could see what Purgatory was like.It can be said that there is a deep cave to which he had access, and that for him, it was the entrance to the underworld.

They say ancient legends dating back to the year 1186, that the topography of this island is shaped by good spirits and evil spirits, and that all of them inhabit here.There is a bad part, located to the northwest, where nine holes sink and where the Satan and its acolytes live.This part is called Kernagh., in the southwest part of the islet, is the land of the angels, also known as "Regles".

The disturbing purgatory in the Land of St. Patrick

This island must therefore be visited to make a pilgrimage.The appearance can only be carried out during the good weather in Ireland, that is, from May to August , and for that, there are also very detailed rules:

  • You have to be over 14 years old.
  • Not having no physical problems. The reason? The walk that must be done is quite long, you have to go through the area of ​​the angels and the devil to be "liberated", to "purge", so it should be in good shape.
  • The pilgrimage will be done in fasting, and there will be breaks to eat.However, the meals are very simple: coffee, oatmeal, cookies, tea...

The disturbing purgatory in the Land of St. Patrick

It is normal to arrange «pilgrimages» of 3 days .On the island there is a kind of cabanas where you can rest and sleep, but if you only want to make a punctual and «non-religious visit », Just out of curiosity, it can also be arranged.

It is known that there were in the past some temple for contemplative purposes in the 5th century, where some groups of Anacoretas lived.Today there is nothing left of it.And Regarding the cave of which St.Patrick spoke, there is but you cannot access it since the 17th century. I am blocked by the stones and nobody has dared to remove them to see where that path leads...Although for experts, more than a cave , that emptiness under the ground is nothing but a great "basement."

A curious scenario visited by dozens of people every year. Would you like to visit it yourself? If you You have been interested in this article on "Purgatory" on Earth, you also know the supposed entrance to "hell." Incredible!

Image: Will, Fernanda Ayroza


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