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«Bloop», the story of a disturbing sound

They called it "Bloop" and today, it is still one of the most disturbing sounds of our history, listening to it causes a kind of strange chill, as if it woke up in us those atavistic fears we believed already forgotten, numb.

Now, the mystery of the famous "Bloop" sound is supposedly solved, that is, for many it has a valid explanation that vanishes all mysterious trails, but in spite of that, despite that it has been tried to give "folder" to the subject, for a large number of lovers of the phenomenology of the strange , the sound captured in 1997 is not much less closed.

We invite you to review history with us so that you can give us your opinion.Shall we start?

«Bloop», the sound that traveled almost 3,000 km under the ocean

We will start by putting ourselves in context.We are in full Cold War , the two superpowers of the moment display all their artim years to watch on both sides of the wall, so that in 1960 the United States Navy thinks that it is not too much to install a series of hydrophones in order to listen and follow the movements of Soviet nuclear submarines.This is what is called « SOSUS Surveillance System.«, something that was kept in strict secrecy for many years.

«Bloop», the story of a disturbing sound

When the Cold War came to an end this system It had not yet been deactivated, in fact, it was not until 1996 when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) finally received permission for SOSUS to become part of its responsibility, which, for them, was a great opportunity, since they could, for example, obtain very interesting facts about marine life, about the language of whales or even underwater earthquakes.It was in 1997 when they decided to change some microphones given their age, when which suddenly "caught" something quite unusual.

It was a sound, a particularly loud sound that lasted almost 7 minutes.n more intense way to go down gradually, as if away...As if it were, away from the three sensors that were recording.The sound was in a frequency range from 40 Hz down, and with a fairly high amplitude.But what was its location? You will ask yourself.Facing the coast of Chile more or less.And I do not end the experience here, at all, since over two more weeks, similar sounds continued to be recorded throughout the Indian Ocean.

«Bloop», the story of a disturbing sound


It was not long before the controversy and speculation rose.They authorized those sounds as "Bloop," and many said that due to variations in their frequency, it should have a purely organic origin.That is, it should be an animal.which marine animal was capable of emitting a sound three times more intense than that of a blue whale ? Just thinking about it, many felt a chill...What if there was a species not listed so far? Could it be perhaps a giant squid?

Lovers of literature and especially the work of HP Lovecraft, at this time will be remembering the same thing that many thought of those In Cthulhu's call, we were told about the submerged city of R'lyeh , where that mythological being was locked, that ancient god asleep under the ocean very close precisely to that point where I had registered the "Bloop" .Could it be possible? Could this sound have an organic origin?

«Bloop», the story of a disturbing sound

The truth is that no, or that, is at least what the experts tell us.It was throughout 2005 and 2010, when the NOAA made a study acoustic, discovering that these areas of South America experienced almost constantly the breakage of large icebergs, and whose sounds, traveled for many kilometers under the ocean, presenting spectrograms very similar to the 'Bloop'.Not equal, yes, not so intense, but similar enough to stop theorizing with strange aspects or based on the mythological cosmogony of HP Lovecaft.So, and as you can see, the subject seems more than settled.

What is your opinion? Do you think it's really due to the sound of an iceberg splitting ? We leave you the sound below so you can listen to it calmly, also inviting you to meet the Ningen, the strange creatures of the Arctic.

Image: Kevin Dooley, Adrian Kingsley-Hughes


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